Equine Law


Horse-riding and working with horses is an extremely popular and large sector in Ireland, with many passionate people involved with horses in different contexts.  At McHale Muldoon we understand the importance of equestrianism as a way of life to many people. 

However, it goes without saying that working with animals on a daily basis is not without its risks. Even a minor accident whilst riding or handling a horse can be devastating. Numerous parties are potentially liable for ensuring our safety around horses. If this protection is missing or flawed you could be entitled to make a claim.

Due to its niche nature, equine law is an area which needs specialist advice. Our dedicated solicitors will defend your case and fight on your behalf to ensure the best outcome for your claim.

Our equine lawyers have years of experience specialising in equestrian related accidents and can advise on a number of services including:

For more information or to begin legal action with us, contact or Dublin office today on 01 659 9405 and one of our solicitors will be happy to help.