Debt Recovery

Every business has and must accept bad debts. However it is paramount for all businesses, especially in the current climate, to recover monies owed to them for their services and products.
If a debtor, whether individual or company, is not paying , despite your reasonable requests for monies outstanding, you do have further options to recover the money.
Debt recovery options include a stern letter, statutory demand, threatening and pursuing bankruptcy, threatening and pursuing winding up a company and issuing proceedings at Court.
At McHale Muldoon we have enjoyed success in recovering debt on behalf of a wide range of clients in a risk and commercially effective manner. A benefit of instructing us, as solicitors, is that we can identify and consider any potential disputes arising from the debt and therefore the most cost effective way for you to pursue the debt.
We have commercial experience in recovering debt from individual and company debtors. We offer advice on the most practical cost efficient methods of recovering debt, depending on the amount owed and the debtor themselves.
To discuss your debtors and the most effective way to recover debt, please contact our Dublin office today on 01 659 9405 or email us at